The Nation

"Her Name is Lucy Barton" — a review of Elizabeth Strout's novel My Name is Lucy Barton

"Callan Wink's New West and Old Feelings" — a review of Callan Wink's story collection Dog Run Moon

"Beyoncé with the Good Art" — an essay on race and the avant garde in Beyoncé's album "Lemonade"

"Stephen O'Connor Dreams of Thomas Jefferson" — a review of Stephen O'Connor's novel Thomas Jefferson Dreams of Sally Hemings

"What Rebecca Schiff Knows" — a review of Rebecca Schiff's story collection The Bed Moved

"Leaving Home to Go Home" — a profile of Yaa Gyasi after the release of her debut novel Homegoing


Lapham's Quarterly

Contributed weekly to their blog Déjà Vu, about history and its repetition. You can read them here, here, here, and here.



"How the Combative Beginning of Women's Studies Shaped Feminist In-Fighting Today" — a feature about early feminist squabbles and how they learned to get along